Meet the Team

Managing Director
Chris Thompson
"Hi, I’m Chris, I started as a Brand Ambassador over 10 years ago and am now the proud owner of Ginger Promotions. I’m passionate about people, love football and am an obsessed Dad to my two beautiful kids! I genuinely love what I do and most importantly love sharing the opportunity with others. Interested in what Ginger Promotions could offer you? Pop in to see me anytime …. I’m literally ALWAYS here!"

Recruitment Manager
Nora Al-Faqeeh
"Hey, I'm Nora. I look after the day to day running of the office here in Moorgate. I take care of finding new talent here at Ginger Promotions so if you apply for a role with us you will likely end up speaking with me!
I absolutely love helping people and am a bit of a chatterbox so please feel free to give me a call, drop me a message or swing by for a quick Matcha latte here in the office to find out more!

Business Manager
Claudia Robins
"Hi, I’m Claudia and I help run the show here at Ginger Promotions. I take care of the organisation, and pretty much all of the back end of the business. I am definitely the ‘Mum’ of the office ….. but I don’t mind – I love chatting to people so if you have any questions or want to find out more then please feel free to give me a call, drop an email or DM me on Insta and we can have a chat anytime."